2025 5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Advanced Thermodynamic Systems (EPATS 2025)



· General Chairs

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Prof. Lingai Luo

University of Nantes, France

Pr. Lingai LUO is Exceptional Class Research Director (ECRD) of French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Laboratoire de Thermique et Energie de Nantes (LTEN-CNRS UMR6607), France. She was Direction member of LTEN and the director of LOCIE, both Laboratories of CNRS. She was the cofounder and coordinator of Sino-French Collaboratory for Environmental and Process Engineering and the director of its successor Sino-French Laboratory for Sustainable Energy of French CNRS and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research covers a wide range of topics in thermal, process and energy engineering, successively: combustion in fluidized bed; energy balance analysis of industries; solar refrigeration machines; adsorption and absorption processes; thermoelectric heat pumps; energy for buildings, solar energy, energy storage, innovative fluidic, thermal and reactive components and their multi-functionality, energy system integration and optimization, topology optimization assisted by machine learning etc. She proposed a multi-scale approach for energy efficiency optimization of processes. To improve the global performance, intensification should necessarily be implemented at three scales: local scale, component scale and system scale. The internal links between these scales should be carefully examined for performance maximization with minimization of dissipations. She developed an innovative strategy for optimized management of fluid which aims to establish a new fluid distribution optimization strategy in fluidic, thermal and reactive devices, as well as in their integration into multifunctional and multi-scale systems. She has been the author or editor of 4 books and over 150 journal articles. She is serving as subject editor of Energy Journal, and associate editor of three others Journals.


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Prof. Jeyraj A/L Selvaraj

Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia

Professor Ts. Dr. Jeyraj Selvaraj received the B.Eng. (Hons.) degree from Multimedia University, Malaysia, in 2002, the M.Sc. degree in power electronics and drives jointly from the University of Birmingham, Birmingham and the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K., in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2009. He is currently a professor and deputy executive director of University Malaya Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC), University of Malaya. He is also a member of IEEE, IEM and a member of working group committee on Photovoltaic Standards of Department of Standards Malaysia. With the experience in solar energy fields more than 15 years, he has monitored more than 75 onsite inverter tests under the FiT, LSS and NEM scheme in Malaysia and published more than 70 high impact journals, 50 conference papers and 4 book chapters. He is one of the recipients of NAM research training fellowship for young scientist and Royal Academy Engineering UK’s Leaders in Innovation Fellowship in 2016 and 2017 respectively. In 2019 he was awarded the Erasmus+ Mobility Programme Fellowship followed by Asian Universities Alliance Scholarship in 2020.


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Prof. Charles Chun Yang

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Dr. Charles Yang Chun is currently a Professor in the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. He has been with Nanyang Technological University since 1999. He obtained his B.Sc. degree from the Department of Thermal Engineering of Tsinghua University, his M.Sc. degree in Thermophysics from University of Science and Technology of China, and his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Alberta. He is the author and coauthor of more than 240 publications in referred international journals and conference proceedings. He has co-authored one text book entitled “Elementary Electrokinetic Flow”, and 8 book chapters. He also has four US patents in his name. He serves as a member of editorial advisory board for two international journals. He is a peer reviewer for more than 30 international journals and an external reviewer for the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong, Research Grant Council of Australia, and Dutch Technology Foundation.


· Program Committee Chairs

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Prof. Santolo Meo

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

He is the Scientific Director of the Laboratory of Power Electronics of Federico II University. His research is oriented to the field of power electronics, control of electrical drives and energy conversion. He has published more than 160 articles in international scientific journals and conferences on topics related to converters, machines and electric drives in the sectors of sustainable mobility and energy from renewable sources. He is among the 1,000,000 most cited scientists internationally. This information is based on the snapshot of May 6, 2020 of Scopus and it is updated to the citation year 2019. The news has been also published in ATENEAPOLI, fortnightly of university news, n. 17 year XXXVI of 6 November 2020, p. 23. It turned out to be, according to the prestigious journal Plos Biology, among the 2% of the world’s most influential researchers in the world. Bibliometric indicators related to publications and citations: H-index: 26, number of citations: 1345 (March 2021).


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Prof. Dimitrios Karamanis

University of Patras, Greece

Professor of Alternative Energy Sources at the University of Patras leading the group of Renewable Energy Sources and Cool Environment. He studied Physics at the University of Ioannina (1986-1990) where he submitted his doctoral thesis (1990-1997). With Postdoctoral Fellowships at CEN Bordeaux (Marie Curie 1999-2001) and University of Ioannina (Marie Curie 2001-2002 and until 2008), Prof. Karamanis has thirty-four years of research experience in the fields of alternative energy sources with special emphasis on wind and solar energy utilization technologies in the last fifteen years. Participating in competitive National and International research programs as scientific coordinator and researcher, he has published over 110 scientific papers in scientific journals, patents and chapters in books with >3800 citations and h-index 38 (Scopus). He serves as Associate Editor of Green Technologies and Sustainability (Elsevier/KeAi) and Guest Editor for Energy&Buildings (Elsevier). Prof. Karamanis teaches courses on renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and RES applications in Departments of the Universities of Ioannina and Patras since 2006.



Prof. Qiang Yang

Zhejiang University, China

Qiang Yang (M'03-SM'18) received Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science from Queen Mary, University of London, London, U.K., in 2007 and worked in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London, U.K., from 2007 to 2010. He visited the University of British Columbia and the University of Victoria Canada as a visiting scholar in 2015 and 2016. He is currently a full Professor at the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, and has published more than 300 technical papers, filed 60 national patents, co-authored 2 books, and edited 2 books and several book chapters. His research interests over the years include smart energy systems, large-scale complex network modeling, control and optimization, learning based optimization and control. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS) and International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), a Senior Member of IEEE, IET and the Senior Member of China Computer Federation (CCF).


· Publication Chair

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Assoc. Prof. Muhyiddine Jradi

University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Muhyiddine Jradi, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Energy Engineering and the leader of the Building Energy Applications Group at the Center of Energy Informatics at the University of Southern Denmark. He has a mechanical engineering background and received his PhD degree in Sustainable Building and Energy Technologies from the University of Nottingham, in 2014. Dr Jradi's main research interests include energy efficient systems, building energy modelling and simulation, energy renovation, multi-generation systems, energy systems numerical modelling and simulation, renewable energy and energy storage. Dr Jradi is currently leading and taking part in multiple international research projects in collaboration with industrial partners and public parities with funding exceeding 4 million USD. In addition, he is serving as a member of multiple journal editorial boards and international conferences’ scientific committees. He has received multiple awards including the Dean of Engineering Research Scholarship for International Excellence from the University of Nottingham and the Sakkal Renewable Energy Award from the American University of Beirut. Dr Jradi research work has led to more than 140 academic publications in leading journals and international conferences.


· Technical Program Committee

· Prof. Fushuan Wen, Zhejiang University, China

· Prof. Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno, Italy

· Prof. Ting Yang, Tianjin University, China

· Prof. Khalil El-Hami, University of Mohammed 5 of Rabat, Morocco

· Prof. I.Neethi Manickam, Renganayagi Varatharaj College of Engineering, India

· Assoc. Prof. Muhyiddine Jradi, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

· Assoc Prof. Ranjith kumar Gatla, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, India

· Assoc. Prof. Xiaomin Kang, University of South China, China

· Assoc. Prof. Bowen Zhou, Northeastern University, China

· Assoc. Prof. Zafar Said, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

· Senior Researcher Yangyang Zhao, State Grid (Suzhou) City and Energy Research Institute, China
· Senior Engineer Yizheng Xu, China Electric Power Research Institute, China